Blog - My Magic Journey

Getting Paid for playing … (Part II)

As promised, here is the second part of my blog about the importance of playing and this quote: ‘A sensitive person gets paid for playing. That’s the art of Life.’ Here is the part I  of this post if you haven’t read it yet. So as I said in the previous post, some traps are

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Getting paid for playing… (Part I)

This is my compass and what I have written in my magic notebook. ‘A sensitive person gets paid for playing. That’s the art of life,’ Alan Watts. This is what I try to live by. This is my compass. When I feel that I’m not playing and having fun with what I’m doing, I reevaluate

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The real secrets

When I lived with my parents in Chile, I watched many movies and TV shows with my dad. We saw some good and some terrible ones, but all made lovely memories. Usually, during the movie, my dad would find many inconsistencies, mistakes or things that “are not like that in the real world“, making him

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Eudemonia: Happiness, Meaning and Magic

Welcome to Eudemonia! Eudemonia is a blog of ideas related to philosophy, magic, happiness, work, virtue, purpose and other thoughts.   What is Eudemonia? “Eudemonia or Eudaimonia is often translated as “happiness,” but that’s a bit misleading. Eudaimonia in Greek: Eu-: good Daimon: soul or “self.” In Greek philosophy, Eudaimonia means achieving the best conditions

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