Charming. Engaging. Amazing Magical Entertainment

Your dream event...
When you imagine your virtual/face-to-face event, you are probably picturing a day, where everything is so smooth, everyone is having fun, laughing and having the time of their lives – How everyone is congratulating you on such a fantastic event afterwards!
However, your dreams start to become more and more difficult to bring to life after hours of googling “entertainers near me” and finding out all the old-fashioned embarrassing performers with the same old jokes and tricks that you saw in the Christmas party last year. You then start to worry that your guests will get bored and find your party lifeless and forgettable…
After 13 years of performing magic and 6 years of continuous studying (yeah! I studied in a magic school just like Hogwarts!!) I have developed an engaging and unique style. Unlike the tricks from uncle Dave or ‘Magic Jon’, my magic evolved through practice with top professionals and has been tested in the real world with people of all ages. You won’t see the typical tricks that all magicians are doing, but unique and engaging presentations using exquisite (though invisible ;)!) sleight of hand.
Most importantly, I am someone who loves people and enjoys putting smiles on their faces. I value play and believe we should all have more of it in our lives, and magic is a great tool for play!
I have clients who come back year after year and say they are still keeping the souvenirs from the last show. So in my shows, you will not only experience mind-blowing magic but will create magical memories for life!
I’m Thomas Dixon 'The Charming Chilean Magician'
My Story:
I am not the typical magician who at the age of 5 received a magic kit for Christmas and has been doing magic ever since. Even though my grandpa did show me a few simple tricks when I was a kid, I was quite a ‘late magician’, starting at the age of 18. I got hooked after seeing this trick. I watched it so many times until I finally got it! After that, I started performing it for all my friends and friends of friends until everyone knew me as ‘the magician’. This motivated me to learn more and more tricks from books and videos.

But life goes on… I started a university degree to become an Electrical Engineer and my magic ‘career’ stopped. I had to move to a different city – Valparaiso (a 2hr drive from the capital of Chile, where I lived). I wasn’t performing any magic for quite some time, as I was busy with studies and video games (yeah, I was a proper gamer). Until one day a friend of mine saw a deck of cards on my cupboard and I showed him a trick. After that day, my life completely changed once again…
I returned to my magic hobby, but this time it was different – it was one of the many hobbies. I also joined a theatre group, I started playing football as a goalkeeper and I also got addicted to books and philosophy after watching Alan Watts’ video (a Western philosopher talking about Eastern philosophy). From reading 2-3 books a year I started reading around 25 books a year! Eventually, I also joined a magic school and studied there for almost 3 years (3 times a week!) while finishing my 6 years degree in electronic engineering.
This Video Change My life!
After finishing the degree, I got a “proper job” in a telecommunication company. Whilst working I was still doing magic on the side, but I started getting some anxiety symptoms (chest tight and eye tingling) and just didn’t enjoy the work, so I needed to make a change. So I decided to quit my job and get a UK visa for 2 years, try different stuff out,and then come back and see what I can do once I am back…. Well, that was the plan….
Well, I can say nothing went according to plan… At the beginning, it was really difficult. I worked in lots of small jobs (fundraising, hospitality). In the evenings I would go to open mics, comedy clubs, restaurants and pretty much anywhere I could perform my magic. After a year in the UK, I slowly started to become a full-time London based magician.
And on the way, I also found my wife :)!

A lot happened during these 4 years in the UK: I have performed in lots of amazing places, hundreds of lovely garden parties, beautiful weddings and panoramic corporate venues. I also built and performed my one-man magic show in London and Brighton and became a member of the Magic Circle, where I met some amazing magicians, who also became friends, and won an award in the stage competition!

It’s been a few years and I still love my job just as much. I have no idea where life will take me, but I’m excited to give all my energy and passion to make people happy, even if it’s for a brief moment of magic ;).